Bitwise Operators - Hackerrank Solution

Bitwise Operators - Hackerrank Solution 

This challenge will let you learn about bitwise operators in C.
Inside the CPU, mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are done in bit-level. To perform bit-level operations in C programming, bitwise operators are used which are explained below.
  • Bitwise AND operator & The output of bitwise AND is 1 if the corresponding bits of two operands is 1. If either bit of an operand is 0, the result of corresponding bit is evaluated to 0. It is denoted by &.
  • Bitwise OR operator | The output of bitwise OR is 1 if at least one corresponding bit of two operands is 1. It is denoted by |.
  • Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operator ^ The result of bitwise XOR operator is 1 if the corresponding bits of two operands are opposite. It is denoted by .
For example, for integers 3 and 5,
3 = 00000011 (In Binary)
5 = 00000101 (In Binary)

AND operation        OR operation        XOR operation
  00000011             00000011            00000011
& 00000101           | 00000101          ^ 00000101
  ________             ________            ________
  00000001  = 1        00000111  = 7       00000110  = 6
Given set , find:
  • the maximum value of  which is less than a given integer , where  and  (where ) are two integers from set .
  • the maximum value of  which is less than a given integer , where  and  (where ) are two integers from set .
  • the maximum value of  which is less than a given integer , where  and  (where ) are two integers from set .
Input Format
The only line contains  space-separated integers,  and , respectively.
Output Format
  • The first line of output contains the maximum possible value of .
  • The second line of output contains the maximum possible value of .
  • The second line of output contains the maximum possible value of .
Sample Input 0
5 4
Sample Output 0
Explanation 0
All possible values of  and  are:
    • The maximum possible value of  that is also  is , so we print  on first line.
    • The maximum possible value of  that is also  is , so we print  on second line.
    • The maximum possible value of  that is also  is , so we print  on third line.

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