DAY 2: Conditional Statements: Switch | Hackerrank Solution | 10 Days Of Javascript

DAY 2: Conditional Statements: Switch 

Hackerrank Solution 10 Days Of  Javascript

In this challenge, we learn about switch statements. Check out the attached tutorial for more details.
Complete the getLetter(s) function in the editor. It has one parameter: a string, , consisting of lowercase English alphabetic letters (i.e., a through z). It must return ABC, or D depending on the following criteria:
  • If the first character in string  is in the set , then return A.
  • If the first character in string  is in the set , then return B.
  • If the first character in string  is in the set , then return C.
  • If the first character in string  is in the set , then return D.
Hint: You can get the letter at some index  in  using the syntax s[i] or s.charAt(i).
Input Format
Stub code in the editor reads a single string denoting  from stdin.
  • , where  is the length of .
  • String  contains lowercase English alphabetic letters (i.e., a through z) only.

Output Format
Return either ABC, or D according to the criteria given above.
Sample Input 0
Sample Output 0
Explanation 0
The first character of string  is a. Because the given criteria stipulate that we print A any time the first character is in , we return A as our answer.


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