DAY 5: Arrow Functions | Hackerrank Solution | 10 Days Of Javascript

DAY 5: Arrow Functions

Hackerrank Solution 10 Days Of  Javascript

In this challenge, we practice using arrow functions. Check the attached tutorial for more details.
Complete the function in the editor. It has one parameter: an array, . It must iterate through the array performing one of the following actions on each element:
  • If the element is even, multiply the element by .
  • If the element is odd, multiply the element by .
The function must then return the modified array.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer, , denoting the size of .
The second line contains  space-separated integers describing the respective elements of 
  • , where  is the  element of .
Output Format
Return the modified array where every even element is doubled and every odd element is tripled.

Sample Input 0
1 2 3 4 5
Sample Output 0
3 4 9 8 15
Explanation 0
Given , we modify each element so that all even elements are multiplied by  and all odd elements are multipled by 3.
 We then return the modified array as our answer.


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