Load Validator - Python Problem Solution

Load Validator

Python Problem Solution

The Metro bank provides various types of loan such as car loans, Business loans and house loans to its account holders. Write a python program to implement the following requirements:

  • Initialize the following variables with appropriate input values: Account_Number, Account_balance, salary, loan_type, Loan_amount_expected and Customer_emi_Expected.
  • The Account number should be of 4 digits and its first digit should be 1.
  • The Customer should have a minimum balance of Rs 1 lakh in the account.
  • If the above rules are valid, determine the eligible loan amount and the EMI that the bank can provide to its customers based on their salary and the loan type they expect to avail.
  • The bank would provide the loan, only if the loan amount and the number of EMI's requested by the customer is less than or equal to the loan amount and the number of EMI's decided by the bank respectively.
Display appropriate error message for the invalid data. If all the business rules are satisfied, the display account number, eligible and requested loan amount and EMI's.
Test your code by providing different values for input variables.

Salary Loan Type Eligible Loan Amount EMIs Required to Repay
>25000 Car 500000 36
>50000 House 6000000 60
>75000 Business 7500000 84


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